The 2023-2024 Annual Fun Run will be held September 29th.  This event is our biggest annual fundraiser, with a goal of raising $35,000 to sustain our PTO contributions to the school for the entire year.

The PTO Board works in conjunction with administrators and teachers to identify areas of need that directly benefit the students of CSES.  The 2022-2023 Fun Run raised over $35,000 to support the students and teachers at CSES.  The funds went toward school needs as well as to the purchase of shades for the two playgrounds, which are to be installed this school year!

Students and teachers need our support for a successful year!  Register your student or make a donation.  Be sure to specify Fun Run and your student/teacher if you are supporting a specific student's fundraising efforts!


8:45-9:15 Kindergarten
9:25-9:45 Second
9:45-10:15 First
10:15-10:45 Fourth
10:45-11:15 Third
11:15-11:45 Fifth

Please make sure you come a little early as one class will start to run at the start time for each grade level. Students run one to two laps around the track depending on grade level. There is a section for parents to watch and support the students as they run around the East Lincoln High School Track.  You will not be able to sit with the students.


Monday (9/25)- Sports Team Day
Tuesday (9/26)- No school (Parent Teacher Conferences)
Wendesday (9/27)- Tie Dye Day
Thursday (9/28)- 80s Day
Friday (9/29)- Colt Pride Day--wear your school shirt
Monday (10/2)- PJ Day